CONTSYSTEM has obtained AQAP 2110 certificate guaranteeing the quality of defense products. They redemonstrated the compliance of the quality system with the requirements of the ČOS 051672 standards.


CONTSYSTEM has obtained AQAP 2110 certificate guaranteeing the quality of defense products. They redemonstrated the compliance of the quality system with the requirements of the ČOS 051672 standard.

On 20th September 2022, CONTSYSTEM was successfully reaudited from the quality management system for manufacturers of products intended for the military sector (involving NATO member parties). Based on the audit, the Office for Defense Standardization, Cataloging and State Quality Verification issued a Certificate of Conformity of the Contsystem Quality System with the Requirements of ČOS 051672 (AQAP 2110).

These standards are an integral part of military procurement involving NATO member countries and define the management of quality assurance systems in design, development and production.

CERTIFICATE No. 99-2022_AQAP.pdf (1.53 MB)

CERTIFIKÁT č. 99-2022_AQAP.pdf (1.52 MB)

